Posted: January 27, 2012 in Uncategorized
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Sitting in Cook County Division 11 waiting to visit one of my youth, I looked around and saw so much pain in the faces, words and body posture of those waiting with me to see someone who was in even more pain than we were. I not only saw it, but I felt it in my very spirit and aching heart.

Actually this week was full of pain. I was surrounded by hurting people who have no escape from the pain that engulfs them, pain that has become a comfort zone, that has simply paralyzed them from seeing possibility and opportunity. Sometimes the pain is so great, its like driving on a highway on a foggy day with zero visibility so that you can’t even see the car directly in front of you.

This week alone:

I held a very depressed young man who cried in my arms as he was awaiting his fate for his court case….

I talked on the phone with a beautiful young lady in so much pain she has rebelled against everything she believes in and feels lost in this world…

I had a one sided conversation with someone who is desperately trying to push me away because its the only way he knows how to protects his heart and the world he feels safe in by not letting anyone get too close…

I sat behind a thick prison glass window with a youth who experienced joy in seeing me…but tears when he knew our time was coming to an end…the pain of not being able to hug him – which he has desperately longed for for 9 months….

This week alone, I learned the power of 4 little words that brought tears to at least three of those above situations:


There is something about these words that releases the pain being held in the hearts of people. Pain that is being protected like a prison inmate behind bars, like a heirloom in a safety deposit box, like a car alarm on a brand new Benz. Pain is a comfort zone for many people and for many people, its all they know. I see so many young people who truly have accepted, that without pain in their day-to-day life, something is out of order…so they sabotage a perfectly wonderful day or relationship in order to feel “normal.”

But I have seen these four little words allow someone to put down their guard, if only for a minute, allow the pain to be released and become vulnerable – even trusting – in the arms of the one who utters these words of comfort.

There is something about these four little words that brings comfort. In one of Maya Angelou’s poems she states “No one, but no one can make it out here alone.” Even the Word of God says “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”  We were not created to be alone but to be in community, to be together. But somehow the enemy has convinced many of us that we are alone.

Telling someone they are not alone reassures them that they are cared for, that someone is concerned about what happens to them and that there is a genuine commitment to walk with them through their pain. It doesn’t mean you have the answer to their problems or a miracle pill to make it better…it simply means “I will not abandon you.”

Tell someone today that they are not alone…

and understand everything that that may mean to a person who has lied to themselves and believes that they are.

Thinking of you….you know who are you…I believe in you, I’m here for you,

I will love you through your pain towards your healing….


and let us remember the promises of the faithful God we serve:

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”  Hebrews 13:5-6  

  1. Tara Pait Carter says:

    That was one of the most inspiring blogs that I have ever read. Thank you for sharing that with me. Have a Blessed evening.


  2. Shanya says:

    Just wanna say thank
    You! Too many people contribute to the pain in these kids’ lives, too few contribute to their joy and healing! You are one of those few!!

  3. Lisette says:

    wow!! i remember my moments of pushing away and hiding in pain. and it felt like no one saw me or if they did it was too much of a sacrifice for someone to ask how im doing. i vowed to make sure that if i see someone crying to ask why if i see someone bleeding to get a bandage if i hear someone screaming to bring peace and when all of these people feel alone to let them know i will never abandon them. sometimes its hard to stick it through with someone and i know you know that with me and my hard head sometimes but it really is hard to love unconditionally and to intentionally love and understand other but there is a peace ,grace , hope and God that is seen in those moments that we are willing to jump in the fire with someone else. i want to thank you for choosing to jump in the fire with so many young people and not just jump in with them but pull them out. and i want you to know that i also vow to never let fear paralyze me from the blazes and to make sure that not one more person in my life feels alone bc i will not abandon them and bc there is this amaizng , perfect , holy and completely relational God just waiting there for us to realize we were never alone to begin with.
    love you!!

  4. Nely says:

    Very moving!! I have never met anyone with such a servants heart as yours. The love you show and give the people who sorround you and are in need of a shoulder to lean on is wonderful!!

  5. Ellis says:

    Thanks for letting me know about your blog and for the very helpful and inspiring message. It helps me think through some things that I am working through with some of the youth in our youth group.

  6. Jen says:

    Powerful. I am grateful for the pain you have walked through with me. I thank god for you.

  7. Joe Soloman says:

    Amy, you are doing wonderful works…. You are such a blessing!!! How inspiring are you!!! Thank you for inviting me to this blog!

  8. Tina Dobbins says:

    Amy, that was awesome and very uplifting. I applaud you for what you do! As hard as it may be at many times, it has to be so worth it knowing that you are that shoulder for so many who need it, that ear for words that need to be expressed, that hug that just makes a moment lighter, and that speaker who communicates and reminds those individuals that they aren’t alone! Sounds like an angel on earth to me! Hope is infectious and it sounds like you are spreading plenty around! Proud of you girl! 🙂

  9. Cisco says:

    Amen, I hear that. It is so easy to ease into that gradual descent of lies and believe we are alone. I have felt that so much so that I learned to love solitary confinement and was happy with that. I was always embraced by the “hole” and I might as well be embraced by that then not be embraced at all. There is hope though and I found it in the shape of two people who would come to my prison and chill. Imagine that people that just want to say hi, coming to see me in prison? Crazy, but it’s true. That’s why I came believe in a world were good, really good people, exist. I know now that this world is full of Great Men and Women, of course Amy is a prime example of this. The great men and women need to stand up for justice and subdue the beast oppressing our brothers and sisters. That is what I hope in.

  10. Darleen says:

    All I can say is…..WOW!! I read absolutely EVERY word on your blog. The posts from different people, the visits, “FINALLY”, and what a Hope Dealer is. I commend you on your spiritual quest to help these kids and make a difference in their lives. You sound like a very inspiring and convincing speaker. You’re doing a wonderful thing and I’m sure you will make a difference in ALOT of young lives, guiding them back to the straight & narrow with love and compassion. Remain true to yourself and keep the faith! PTL he will reward you for your kindness and thoughtful deeds.
    Love Ya!!

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